
Happy Quilty Sunday

How are you spending this cold winter Sunday morning?  I'm enjoying a cup of coffee and thinking about what I'm going to do today and a little now writing this lil blog while the coffee kicks in.  I am going to fix us a big ol Sunday morning breakfast and get some cleaning done, YES I know I'd rather be quilting too.  But we've got to stop and be the domestic princesses that we are at times... sucks but reality! I've been working on a custom quilt this this week and close to have it finished up.  Its a clients quilt and its call Rush Hour.  I wasn't sure just how I wanted to quilt this one at first.  I did know I wanted to put a wood grain quilt design in the border but the blocks I was stumped at first.  Then once I had it loaded I looked at the blocks and decided what I wanted to do.  I will post final pictures when it is finished. I also been working with my Quilt 8 design program and have designed a heart quilt I plan on making for my gran

Where to begin.....

Not Blogged in a very long time.  This past year was full of many changes for me some was ruff and some was great. I can now embrace the ruff stuff because it has brought me to where I am today. I've closed a few doors this past year and open a new one that is turning out to be the door I've looked for my whole life. Quick update on where I am today.... I met a wonderful man who loves me for me, unconditionally and that feeling is mutual.   His name is Ronnie and he is my Redneck Country Boy.   I am in the process of selling my house which never really truly felt like a home.   I just couldn't get settled there and now I know there was a reason... Ronnie.  He has opened his heart and door to me.  We are getting settled in and loving every minute. This is us... I've also been busy in my studio. Getting it moved and set up took some time and is still a work in progress and the move put me behind.  But I'm working hard to catch up.   A quilt I just comp

Quilt Friend shout out!

I met Lorry when I first started long-arming but at that time it was just a occasional quilt. I believe it was about 4 years ago.  At that time I was still working in retail business and only quilted part time.  I worked for a fabric store and Lorry came in to get some backing and we being quilters clicked right off and was doing a lot of quilt talk, sharing.  I mentioned my friend Deb allowed me the use of her long-arm (purchased my own machine in 2016) and was starting to quilt for others.  Lorry and I swapped info and later met at Star bucks (enjoyed many visits with her here) where she entrusted me to quilt a top for her, then another and another and SEW it began.    Lorry kept my busy for sure.  This was one of those first quilts I quilted for her.  This was one that she made to donate to the v.f.w. She put her trust in me.  Lorry's quilts are always a pleasure to quilt. Today!  We are still quilt buddy's.  We've laughed, we cried, and she always encoura


I am sew excited for a couple of my customers I had the honor of quilting for not long ago.  I am very happy for them and their quilt wins! This quilt belongs to a wonderful quilter I met in the wonderful world of quilters on facebook, Kathi Martin. Kathy is a quilt shop owner in Safford, Arizona and her shop is called, The Jack Of Arts Quilt Shop. Don't you just love that name any way if your ever in her area stop in and tell her Tina sent ya  Kathy is a quilting rock star.  The quilt I quilted for her was a round robin, I have to say I've seen some round robins quilts before but nothing as amazing as this one. When you see Kathy at her shop congratulate her on a her win at the Quilt Arizona Jewels of the Desert 2019 win.  Kathy won third place! Next: Got to give my friend I've never met but feel like we've known each other forever a shout out! Edie Elliott another great quilter I've met via facebook!  Like I said above I feel like I

What happens in Kentucky...

don't always stay in Kentucky!  So this is how it all happened. I've always loved having a furry lil baby!  But the way I worked before I became quiltin.t it just wasn't a fair life for one.  I was at work 10 hours or plus at times, or out of town working in other stores.  I missed having one badly and one of my goals when I started working at home was to try and have a new furry baby.   I just love the companionship they give, the unconditional love.  If you give to them they will give it back multiplied!  There is just something relaxing and calming having them curl up next to you on the couch after a long day.  Healing powers to some!   My intention was to wait till late spring to find one.  I knew the breed I was hoping to get because of some friends having them and seeing the bond they have with their human parents, I also did some researching.  I know all furry family members can be sweet and cuddly to their human parent, but I know this particular breed w


Good morning!  I'm enjoying a cup of coffee and sitting by the fire place.  Its a electric one but it gives you warmth and feel of a real one and I love it.  I like to use it as a focal point while I do my morning meditation.  Clearing my mind and thinking about my day and what I hope to accomplish. So I finished the Round Robin quilt I'd been working on yesterday.  It was a custom and they do take me a lil longer then the edge to edge or the stipple ones.  But I love doing them!  Especially ones that allow me to cut loose and try some new idea's.  Allowing me to do my doodle thing on them.  Yesterday I showed you the before photo, this is the finished! I'm very please with how this one turned out.  It took me almost two weeks to complete it, but remember in that two week time period we had two holidays.  So it was two weeks but not really.  I enjoyed some down time over the past two weeks.  But now its time to hit it and get it again! (1-2-19 quilt doo

Back to the Studio today!

Today is the first work day for me of the year.  I have a custom quilt on the frame I intend to finish up today.  It's a beautiful quilt I absolutely love.  A round robin quilt. This is one of they best and most outstanding round robins I've seen to date.  The details and care that went into it is beyond amazing and created a stunning quilt.  I have done a couple of round robin quilts in a quilt guild I belong to and they can be a challenge but fun.  A round robin quilt is where a quilter starts the quilt out with a center block, usually ranges in size of 12" up to 18" and is better if it is a square.  After your center block it completed it is then put in a bag that you can not see though, if you want it to be completed in certain fabrics you also place those in that bag along with any wishes of likes or dislikes on a quilt.  Then it has a name of the people on a form on the outside of the bag and it is passed around to each in a group.  Each person it reaches w