Where to begin.....

Not Blogged in a very long time.  This past year was full of many changes for me some was ruff and some was great. I can now embrace the ruff stuff because it has brought me to where I am today. I've closed a few doors this past year and open a new one that is turning out to be the door I've looked for my whole life.

Quick update on where I am today....

I met a wonderful man who loves me for me, unconditionally and that feeling is mutual.   His name is Ronnie and he is my Redneck Country Boy.   I am in the process of selling my house which never really truly felt like a home.   I just couldn't get settled there and now I know there was a reason... Ronnie.  He has opened his heart and door to me.  We are getting settled in and loving every minute.

This is us...

I've also been busy in my studio. Getting it moved and set up took some time and is still a work in progress and the move put me behind.  But I'm working hard to catch up.  

A quilt I just completed yesterday.  The top was pieced by a client of mine Boni.  I feel very blessed to get to quilt for Boni she sends me some very beautiful quilt tops and allows me to quilt as I want.  

The quilt pattern is called Chandelier and is the second one I've quilted now. 

The back is the next photo which I think turned out interested and pretty too 

Well time to head to the studio and get busy.  Hope you all have a quilty day.  I plan on trying to blog more often now that life is settled a lil more.  

Happy Quilting 

Tina Jennings
Quilting to a "t" 


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