First day of 2019

Happy New Year my family and friends.  Did you ring it in just the way you wanted to?  I enjoyed a evening of watching Netflix and ordered me a free pizza I saved for tonight and had some doodle time.  Doodling for me keeps my mind busy, relaxes me, and helps me to build my quilting skills.  This is the one I completed last night, I like to sometimes put a lil message in them for holiday and such.  I will begin a new book today, for a new year.  If you see my doodles and look at my quilting you will sometimes notice the likeness.

My New Years Eve Doodle

There is a quilt blogger I  like to follow, I may have mentioned her before.   Bonnie Hunter of Quiltville I admire her a lot she gives amazing ideas on a scrap saver system.  I have all but her newest books, and I love her quilt style, scrappy which is one of my favorite type of quilts to make.  She is very inspiring and encouraging.  I read her blog every morning like some read the newspaper.
Well on her blog and on instagram she will post a photo of a quilt with a quote.  This one suited me for today that I wanted to share it with you.

My question to you is this and I'd love to hear your responses in the comments on her or on my facebook post.  What are you hoping to bring to 2019?

I plan to bring love!  I want to make sure that my family and friends know how much they are loved by me that they will not just hear me say it but see and feel it.  To me Love is a word, but what you do with that word it what matter.  I want them to know how much they matter to me.  

Cause at the end of the day "What's Love Got To Do With It?"   EVERYTHING!

Before I close for today I also wanted to share this clip I saw on facebook and thought YEP that sounds about right.... LOL!  

I hope you all have a fabulous and quilty first day of the year!

Happy Quilting!
Tina Jennings


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