
Showing posts from November, 2018


I just realized it been since Sept since I'd taken the time to blog.  I was so focused on trying to get caught up on quilting quilts that I hadn't blogged.  Now that I'm starting to get a caught up I hope to be more faithful with it. The reason I wanted to blog this morning was to wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving!  I hope you all are able to spend the day with those you love.  Then spend a lil time for yourself at the end of the day doing what you love and what makes you happy. I feel very thankful this year for my family and friends, good health!   Thankful for getting to do what I love for a living.  Thankful for you that have played a part in helping me get to fulfill my dream of quilting for a living.  I am thankful for you that allow me the privilege of quilting for you!  Thankful for your patience while I've gotten started. Thankful for the friends I've made this year though quilting. Well I smell coffee and like most of you its time to get busy getti